Dispelling a fundamental misunderstanding of first century Judaism.
One of our goals at Emet HaTorah is to restore the Jewish Jesus. While this may seem like a self-evident truth and an unnecessary objective, there are many aspects of this truth which remain hidden from the majority of Believers… even those acutely aware that Jesus was Jewish. Many of the interpretations and concepts we impose on the Scriptures, particularly the Apostolic Scriptures (the “New Testament”), claim to find their origin within the Scriptures themselves, or at least within the historical record of the biblical narrative. While these interpretations may not ever seem to be problematic to many Believers, there are many times these interpretations actually undermine the authority of the biblical canon and compromise the immutability of the Almighty. In our attempt to explain Scripture, particularly the Apostolic Scriptures, we need to verify that our interpretation does not compromise the basic revelation found within the sacred text. Unfortunately, this is more often the case than not when theologians find themselves caught between the Jewish Jesus and Christian dogma. So, let’s take a look at one particular expression of this way of thinking.