Four Responsibilities of a Disciple

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It seems everyone has a take on discipleship … what it is and what it isn’t. What if we began our understanding of discipleship from a time and a people much closer to how Jesus and the apostles understood it? What does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

Contrary to what many believe and teach, when a person comes to faith in Jesus, he doesn't automatically become a fully developed disciple. The process of discipleship requires time and devotion for an individual to become a mature disciple of their Master.

In order to be a true disciple, however, there must be clearly defined responsibilities and objectives of our role as a disciple. We must have a tangible way of measuring up against our calling to know whether we are walking the path of discipleship, or merely flailing our arms in a sea of ambiguous expectations.

Join Darren Huckey, of Emet HaTorah, as he takes us back to the first century to get a glimpse into the discipleship that Jesus and his disciples would have known. Learn the four primary responsibilities every disciple should understand and be practicing. Be challenged to move from being a fan of Jesus and receiver of his merits, to a disciple of Jesus who has the ability to change the world.