April 2014

An Adulterous Scandal

How does Yeshua use the Torah to deal with adultery?


Let’s take a look at an example in which deliberate judgment is demonstrated by Jesus in the case of the woman “caught in the very act of adultery” (according to the KJV) from the eighth chapter of the Gospel of John. Although most are familiar with this passage, let us refresh our memory before we continue. 

Blogging for the Messianic Times

Recently the Messianic Times has asked me to join their blogging team and post a once-a-month blog. We had some complications last month and it didn't make it, but as of today we are up and running. My "column" is called "Hear and Do" and is focused on addressing issues such as the struggle with hypocrisy among Believers (Messianics in particular), biblical ethics, Jewish prayer and more.

Yeshua's Authority In Relationship to Biblical Law

The Torah is the terms of the covenant between God and His redeemed people. It was given, not just to Moses, but to an entire people at Sinai nearly 3500 years ago. It was God’s initial self-disclosure of His holiness and righteousness to an entire people group.

Building Fences

The problem with fences, they say, is that not only do they keep some peo­ple in, but they keep others out. While this is definitely true, and regarding this prin­ciple one should definitely exercise caution, we should not, however, “throw the baby out with the bath water.” While some fences are built to the extreme (i.e. you don’t need a 20 ft fence to keep your dogs in the yard), a prop­erly built fence keeps in the children and pets, keeps out the unwanted solicitors & preda­tors, and maintains a healthy relationship with the neighbors. It’s the same with Torah.