August 2023

Signs & Wonders

Parashat Re'eh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17)

In our day a large number of Yeshua’s followers find affinity with the charismatic movement, particularly among those in the Messianic or Hebrew Roots movements. It seems the reasoning behind this attraction is that they are seeking to recapture the power demonstrated by Yeshua’s earliest followers. After all, Yeshua promised power to his disciples upon their receiving the Holy Spirit after his ascension. He told his disciples:

The Making of a New Man

Parashat Eikev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25)

Righteousness & wickedness: two terms that seem to be cut & dry. But are they really? Is each person held to the exact same standard? Is the standard, “One Law For All?” It would seem that way, but maybe it isn't as black and white as it appears? Does that sound… blasphemous? Then you might want to hang around and see what’s in store, in this week’s 5 Minute Torah…