Another year has come and gone. The year 2014 been difficult, but we have finished strong and are encouraged about what the coming year has to offer. We are thankful for those who have partnered with us to help us accomplish many of our goals for this past year. If you have been one of those partners, we sincerely thank you for your support. It has helped tremendously. We desire to show our stewardship of the resources with which you have entrusted us. Below is a review of some of the things Emet HaTorah has accomplished in 2014.
In 2014 Emet HaTorah has:
Also, please be looking for a spring release of Wisdom of the Just, the first volume of our Messianic commentary on Pirkei Avot. We are working hard to finish this resource and make it available in time for the traditional study cycle which begins after Pesach (Passover). Please keep this endeavor in your prayers.
In 2014 we only scratched the surface of producing the resources we desired. Most of this was due to lack of funding. We have several other projects that could be completed with your help in 2015. Will you consider either partnering with us on a monthly basis or through a one-time donation to help jump start our efforts for the coming year? Your contributions, whatever size they may be, help us to continue the mission of Emet HaTorah. We are continually teaching Yeshua and Torah and providing resources to help people understand them both. We would appreciate your prayers as well as your support in 2015. May this year be a blessing for you and all who labor in God's Kingdom.
In Messiah Yeshua,