
From Exile To Redemption

Zechariah 8:19 predicts a time that certain days will be turned from days of fasting to days of feasting and celebration. What are those days and what should we be doing on them today? Join Darren as he explores these questions and more looking at how our actions today can affect the reality of tomorrow and potentially shorten the exile and begin the final redemption. From Exile To Redemption is a call to action for disciples of Yeshua to affect the world around them.

The Fullness of the Gentiles (Parashat Vayechi)

Every Friday night we bless our sons according to this blessing, “May God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh.” What is this whole blessing business that Jacob is doing? What is this pattern of blessing he establishes, and why do we desire our sons to be like Ephraim and Manasseh, rather than Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob or like any of Jacob’s other sons? Speaking of Ephraim, Jacob told Joseph, “His offspring shall become a multitude of nations” (Genesis 48:19).


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